Last night was the last night of carnival, here in Nice. They continue the charming French tradition of regicide, ending carnival by setting fire to the Carnival King, and then have a massive display of fireworks. Which was stunning.
Photos of the Carnival King and his fiery demise are below - I'm still trying to find a way to get the videos I took of the fireworks off my computer and onto the internet somewhere where I can show them off. They're blurry, some of them, but you can still see the awesomeness! Any ideas, anyone?
Photos, then.
Presumably, the Carnival Queen...
Various photos of the King and his little creepy egg babies:
The Burning of the King:
The fireworks came next, and this is where I would put the videos, for your entertainment and enlightenment. But I can't, since they are apparently too big...
The quiet after the storm - the only time I've ever seen Nice station completely empty...
Lovely pictures of burning King.
Merci bien!