Domestic triumph
Today's domestic triumphs:
Bought clothes dryer.
Worked out how washing machine works. (Tip: works better when the door is properly closed. You're welcome.)
Found 3G inside - balancing on the corner of the coffee table. Bound to not work tomorrow, but for this second, I have the Glowing Blue Light of Communication beaming at me.
Domestic set-back:
Freeview box doesn't fit TV ariel cable. Suspect this means TV ariel cable might actually be satelite cable. Which means freeview box might not work with it, even if I can find a way to make it fit. Further suspect that freeview box is non-refundable, because shop is owned by capitalist bastards who want to make money. Suggestions as to ways forward gratefully received...
I know I said it when I was round at the flat in Villefranche, but I am yet again rather amazed (yet not at the same time!) by your ability to go and bloody found, then choose to live in, a flat that is a death trap!! First of all it was Fontenay with dangerously low ceilings and the trigger happy downstairs neighbour, then you move to Nice with the electrified sink and the 'chantier interdit' of a staircase. You then opt for Villefranche with the lack of foundations and the danger of death sign as you walk in the front door, and now water pouring from the bathroom lights and electrifying the whole place! Ace! You certainly have a knack! Just, you two, don't think of becoming the new Kirstie and Phil, or your program would be called "Location, Electrocution, Death" haha :) x
Tell me about it - I actually asked today if everyone was as unlucky as us in finding places to live. Turns out not. Most people find flats that aren't going to kill them; who'd have thought?
(Villefranche is fine as long as there's no earthquakes.)
Electrician never bothered to turn up today, so still waiting to get a bathroom light...
Let's hope this signals the end of your issues with the plumbers pretty much never turn up, ever.