Christmas in Villefranche

Villefranche's half-hearted attempt at a municipal Christmas tree:

We decided it was time to put up our own Christmas tree yesterday. (After I'd hoovered, obviously. For future reference, don't hoover until you've put up the tree, it'll be a total waste of time. Even if it's a plastic and metal tree, they still drop bits everywhere.)

So in the afternoon, we bought our fake tree and Christmas decorations from the tacky Christmas shop, and put it together - with the slight hitch that tacky-Christmas-shop baubles don't come with anything to hang them on. So we still need to hang some of them up today, since we ran out of those wire-tie things.

Anyway, the joy that is our Christmas tree:

In the morning, before we put the tree up, we went for a walk around the citadel - which is also where the Villefranche mairie has decided to put itself (and where the tree at the top of the post comes from). Walking around the outside of the citadel walls to get to the port, it was sunny and hot, and I thought I'd show you some photographs, so you can understand why we weren't totally inspired by the joys of Christmas when it came to decorating.

(Unlike our neighbours in the old flat, who were playing "Last Christmas" by Wham. On a loop. For over an hour. I was close to killing them.)

Views from the citadel walkway:

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Copyright Nicole Hill, 2009-2010

All photos and text are mine - ask me *before* you use them elsewhere. Don't just copy them and hope I won't notice, it's theft.

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